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Our Favorite Edible Flowers

Flowers are more than just the beautiful beds, colorful borders, or attractive containers that make up your garden and landscape. Edible flowers can also be surprising and delicious accents to a wide variety of tasty dishes. But which flowers are safe to eat, and how can you add blooms to your culinary creations? Edible Flower […]

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Soil 101

How well do you understand your soil? It’s more than just dirt, and the more you learn about soil, the better you’ll be able to care for it to ensure a stunning landscape, healthy lawn and productive garden. All About Soil The four elements of soil are minerals, water, air and organic matter. Different combinations […]

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Bridal Wreath Spirea: Here Comes the Bride

In spring, adorned with clusters of small, white flowers that cascade along its gently arching branches, Spirea prunifolia, commonly known as Bridal Wreath Spirea, bursts into bloom, creating a stunning display of floral finery unmatched by any other spring-flowering shrub. No other holds the timeless charm and delicate allure of the Bridal Wreath. This classic […]

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